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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 21:07:12 GMT
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this was - by far - the dumbest shit she had ever done. 

'i don't even like ghost-type pokemon,' she thought. 

cait stared long and hard at the mansion's front, the decrepit building appearing to be on the cusp of being condemned entirely. and while its immediate surroundings were in a decent enough state, the girl couldn't for the life of her figure out why someone thought building a mansion in the middle of no where was a good idea. 

'who would even live out here?' 

rustboro city was miles away, after all; if anything went wrong whoever lived here would be in a tough spot for good while. 

"i... think leaving would be the best plan of action."

a hint of desperation lined her voice as she addressed stormy, the pair having only just entered the building's vast front lawn. it was late evening now - the sky having adopted a pale blue coloration as the stars began to peek into view. a pale half moon served as their centerpiece, its light presently shining down upon them. 

"we could say that we didn't see anything?"

her sceptile peered at the building, undaunted by what lay before them but detecting his mistress's concern. he remained at her side, hopeful that his presence would coax the young woman into a relaxed state of being. 


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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 2:01:02 GMT
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When Stormy had seen the posting for help evicerating the ghosts from a haunted mansion, she had jumped at the idea - literally.

Apparently, the original owners of the building had died and left it in the hands of their grandchildren. Said relatives had poured thousands of dollars of effort into renovating the place, but potential buyers continued to turn it down. In fact, the real estate agent in charge of helping bring in potential buyers had all but quit.

The reason? The once abandoned mansion was being haunted by ghosts. It had been abandoned for so many years that the neighbourhood ghost hooligans had moved in and made themselves at home. Now that real estate agents, contracted workers, plumbers and the like were all making themselves at home, sometimes staying overnight to finish tasks.. it had royally pissed off the freeloaders.

Stormy's finger pressed hard against the number on the paper. She hadn't even hesitated to call the number. She didn't even ask Cait first before signing both her Cait up to tackle this assignment. The money was good, but the experience would be even better.

Right after she hung up, she immediately called Cait to announce the plans they had later on tonight. Because, who went ghost-hunting in the middle of the day?


Now, while Cait sat several feet away from the door, looking up at it with some degree of fear and regret, Stormy was front and center. Her hands were on her hips, a twinkle in her eye.

"This is gonna be so much fun, don't you think, Cait?"

This means she completely missed the part where Cait suggested they pretend like they didn't see anything and move on with their lives.

Stormy looks down at the Chansey by her side, who looks up at her with unwavering affection.

"You aren't afraid of ghosts, right, baby? Nah... we're gonna crush this job."

With that said, the woman dives head first into the building. Immediately upon entering, she begins to ooh and aah at the stone staircases and the wooden banisters and how goddamn beautiful it is inside.

"Cait, you're missing out on how pretty this place is! It doesn't look abandoned at all!"

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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 9:29:37 GMT
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sceptile's serpentine gaze swiveled to focus upon stormy's pink counterpart, his features scrunching up slightly as it settled. thankfully, no one had caught that small show of fondness that had surfaced upon his muzzle. 


the small and awkward smile that cait had somehow managed formed immediately after stormy had opened her own mouth. she adored the young fire-type expert - that could not be denied - but her choice of words had caused the novice herbologist to momentarily question both the overall intelligence and sanity of the other woman.

'she can't be serious.' 

cait blinked. 

'she's serious.' 

cait's smile increased in size as her head cocked to the side.


it was her sceptile who gently nudged her forward with his paw, the green-haired woman having froze the moment she had took one step into the mansion. 

'i'm going to die today,' she thought. 

she nodded, inwardly accepting her fate as her grin remained frozen in place as she moved. both stormy and chansey hadn't hesitated at all when entering the place, and sceptile had only stalled purely due to her own frightful ass.

'everyone just wants to die today, apparently.'  

"stormy - i don't do ghosts," she hissed. 

cait's expression had only just transitioned into one that bordered on panic as she hurried after the ranger. 

"what about this screams 'good idea'," she continued, gesturing wildly. "haven't you seen - like - a single horror movie? a couple of people our age walk into a spooky ass mansion and then get killed roughly an hour into its run time.

as the officer addressed the silph her sceptile walked alongside her chansey. he maintained a respectable distance from the normal-type as he did so, though he'd occasionally glance in her direction. she was quite lovely, after all, her features appealingly soft and remarkably kind. 


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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 6:08:36 GMT
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If Cait had hesitated, or made any sort of expression that otherwise may have suggested she was absolutely not enjoying this adventure, Stormy had no idea. She was already inside the building and picking up breakable, expensive objects.

She only looked up in surprise when Cait hissed at her. Not only had she never been hissed at before by a human being, but this act of violence was spat by her best friend.

There was hurt in her eyes as she set down whatever vase she was holding before dropping her hands to her side.

"What? But Cait, you said you were game for this on the phone earlier. If you didn't wanna come, you could have just said so. I can do this by myself, I wasn't trying to force you or make you uncomfortable."

Was she guilt tripping her best friend? Maybe a little bit. Stormy wasn't typically scared of anything, she was bullheaded and daft. Ghosts didn't make her sweat at all.

Stormy laughed a little bit at her movie reference. She then shrugged, before offering to hold Cait's hand to help her calm down.

"Then we'll just leave before we hit the one hour mark, deal? Besides, aren't you the least bit excited to explore a mansion? Imagine all of the old shit and the paintings and the fabrics we get to look at? This is the kind of shit you have to pay for, and we're getting paid to touch it all."

She's so excited she almost cackles maniacally, but she holds herself back for Cait's sake.

Stormy glances at Cait, a kind smile drawing itself upon her cheeks.

"Besides, haven't you heard of Casper the friendly ghost? These rich kids are probably peeing their pants over some goofy Gastly who just wants a friend. I bet it's real lonely in this mansion if you're all by yourself!"

Chansey looked over at Sceptile, an extraordinarily kind smile rosying up her pink cheeks. After all, he is quite handsome.

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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 10:10:54 GMT
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cait feared that she was developing a personal weakness for the silph, that vulnerable look that had briefly crossed the ranger's features having resulted in the sergeant's hesitance. 

'that face. that stupidly pretty face.'

the young woman felt the freckled cheeks of her face grow warm, and was very much thankful for the dark pigmentation of her skin that effectively concealed it from view. 


she'd turn her face away whilst releasing the irritated noise, her arms crossing tightly over her chest.

"fine. i guess i wouldn't want you dying here alone or something."

despite her apprehension, she suppressed it in favor of remaining by the fire expert's side. though this was solely due to her fondness for the similarly-aged young woman.

"i -

she swallowed, her gaze having swiveled to a patch of shadow that appeared slightly suspicious in nature. 

"you... have to hold my hand, though," she said. 

cait offered her hand, a slight tremble present within the limb extended it. she was out of element - just as stormy had been when they had entered the forest as a pair only a few weeks prior. 


her features had softened now, her expression pleading as she begged for stormy to allow her this small comfort. 

"scep-tile," sceptile murmured. 

the grass-type had averted his gaze, embarrassed to have been caught staring at his female counterpart. he'd absently scratch at his chin, though he was secretly pleased to have been on the receiving end on that smile. 


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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 17:51:08 GMT
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The look on Cait's face, the glance away, it was all part of Stormy's plan. Now, the young woman was hooked into this, and Stormy wasn't going to be all alone in here. Not that she had really minded, but she much preferred exploring in the company of a friend.

She was very much a people-person and didn't particularly like being on her own.

"Me? Die? That's impossible. I'm immortal, didn't you know?"

Her laugh is a tinkling sound and she throws her head back, dark waves of hair falling off her shoulders.

Stormy does return her gaze to her friend, just as the dark-skinned woman crosses her arms over her chest. Why does she look so... pretty even while ticked right off?

She followed Cait's eyes as they wandered towards a shadow, likely being cast by a tall bookshelf or statue of some kind. The woman seemed on edge, and promptly argued that Stormy would have to hold her hand if she was going to stay in the mansion.

"Of course I'll hold your hand, Cait. Stick with me, and nothing will go wrong."

Stormy didn't even notice the girl's tremble, and instead laced her fingers easily between hers. With an affectionate squeeze, she gave her friend a gentle tug.

"Now, let's keep going. If this place is haunted, we should try to find the coldest spot in the house. Isn't that where ghosts hide? The coldest spot? Or do they make spots cold.."

She trails off, lost in thought.

Chansey continues to follow them, though after Sceptile averted his gaze so suddenly, she seems a little bit upset. Did he not like her, had she given him a look that suggested she didn't want to be his friend? Worry creases the corners of her eyes, and she decides to wander after her trainer in silence.

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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 22:11:55 GMT
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cait squeezed stormy's hand and had to resist that urge to strengthen her grip to a painful degree.

'no wonder my family use to call me 'scaredy cait' when it came to stuff like this.' 

a mournful little sigh slipped past her painted lips, her expression not at all dissimilar to that of a grimace.  

"i honestly have no idea when it comes to stuff like this," she admitted. 

stormy's presence served as a much needed balm that eased her anxiety by a noticeable margin even as they entered a vast hallway that displayed disturbing portraits of its former occupants that likely died centuries prior. 

'i honestly think i'd be out of here if it was anyone else.' 

"hey, sceptile?"

cait peered over her shoulder as she addressed the grass-type before falling silent with a look of bemusement. 

"you - uh - doing alright there, boy?"

there was a forlorn look upon the large male's face, his gaze clinging onto the chansey's back before he refocused his eyes upon his mistress. 

"scep," he grunted, noncommittally.

oblivious to her companion's freshly developed feelings for stormy's normal-type, cait merely shrugged in reply.

'maybe he's nervous about being in the mansion, too.' 

"so - um - how's training going, stormy?"

despite stormy's insistence on discussing the mission at hand - which was, perhaps, the most appropriate option - cait sought to shift the topic elsewhere as they searched.

"your chansey looks like she's gotten stronger," she commented. "think she'll evolve anytime soon?"  


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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019 1:54:40 GMT
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Stormy squeezed back, without even really thinking about it. Just as she calmed Cait in this situation, the woman was calming her as well. Stormy's normally explosive personality was subdued greatly whenever Cait was around - there just wasn't a reason to be irritated or upset with her.

She eagerly tugged Cait further down the creep hallway, and she stopped at one particularly unattractive-looking painting.

"That woman looks like she's been sour since the day she was born. Look at her, she seems so.. scrutinizing."

When she looked away though, her gaze snapped back - were her eyes moving? For a moment, Stormy stands with her eyes squinting as she tried to determine if she had seen what she had thought she'd seen.

Chansey also seems to feel something off about the particular area they're in and looks to be a little on edge.

Stormy's attention is drawn back to Cait when the woman tries to redirect the conversation to something less spooky. The woman makes some sort of far-away noise, as if she hardly heard what had been asked, but was still trying to come back to the conversation.

"What's that? Oh, it's going alright I suppose. I have a Chandelure now, raised the little babe from a Litwick. She's the sweetest. I'd show her to you but I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

She looks at Chansey when the plump pink Pokemon is mentioned. The Pokemon also looks at Cait, blushing at the compliment. She's bashful and susceptible to praise.

"She's doing fabulous! She's the team medic, and she's wonderful at her job. Couldn't imagine being without her, honestly. She's easily the most charming of my team. As for evolving? I'm not sure! I'm sure it won't be long, though."

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POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019 9:53:25 GMT
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that chandelure's your family," she began, squeezing her hand gently. "i'd like to meet her when we have the time. i'd be happy to meet anyone on your team."

despite her apparent dislike for ghost-type pokemon,  she made a select few exceptions. after all, cait was in possession of a pumpkaboo and a decidueye - both ghost-affiliated in some way, shape or form.

"i think your team's going to end up being amazing."

it wasn't difficult to imagine stormy developing to become one of the best of their region. with time and effort she'd 'evolve' alongside her companions to become a woman worthy of her position within the league.


and as cait observed her talk about her chansey, she experienced an odd fluttering that originated from her belly. it was a strange sensation rarely felt, and one the woman very quickly recognized for what it was. 


her face grew hot
 once again, her head dipping as she averted her gaze. the smile upon her face was one of ease despite that subtle shift that conveyed bashfulness. 

"tell me when she evolves, alright? and send me a picture, too."

this time it proved difficult to conceal her blush as she tittered softly, her surroundings temporarily forgotten. 

"this isn't too bad," she commented. 

they stepped deeper into the mansion as a pair now - and cait felt as though she could somehow manage it.    


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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2019 0:42:06 GMT
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The warm feeling Cait instills in Stormy is addictive, she longs for the squeeze of the womans hand and the kind praise and encouragement she offers.

"I'm sure she'll love you."

Stormy blushed fiercely at the compliment, and she laughed a little bit under her breath. Suddenly, she felt self-conscious and nervous.

"I'm.. not sure that that part is true, but I appreciate the sentiment. Fernando is a much stronger trainer than I am, I swear, even though I hate to admit it. I'm not nearly as strong as he is."

Her thoughts bring her to her last encounter with the man. Fury stains her cheeks with an irritating shade of red, and her ears grow hot. She seems completely lost to her memories, and her free hand clenches at the reminder that Fernando had stripped away a lovely Charizard she wished to meet.

The way he trained his Pokemon was almost cruel - she could sense it in the nervous curiosity of his beast. It had been curious, unsure of her, maybe even afraid. It pained her to see it in that way, so worried about what might happen to it.

Cait's silence brings her back to the present though, and she glances back at the woman before smiling, trying to clear away the negative thoughts.

While this occurs, however, that ominous and dark, prickly feeling of being watched seemed to grow while she was feeling her expression of anger.

Fortunately, as soon as Stormy snaps out of her channeling emotions, the presence is gone.

Chansey turns around abruptly as if convinced something had just been there. However, there is nothing in the long hallway, and she quickly loses interest.

Stormy looks at her pink companion.

"Did you see something, Chansey?"

The Pokemon quietly shakes her head, shrugging. This causes Stormy to shrug as well.

By this time, the pair has walked throughout the majority of the hallways. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, especially now that night had fallen.

"I will, I promise! I can't wait."

The woman sighs, there's even a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I don't think there's anything spooky going on here. What a bummer. I was really hoping to give a couple ghosts a run for their money. If someone does live here, they're awful shy about it, and I can't imagine they're giving anyone a hard time if they aren't choosing to bother us."

She laughs suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"Or maybe we're just special."

Stormy squeezes Cait's hand again, a warm smile on her face.

"We can leave now, we'll stop by the bosses and tell him we didn't see anything suspicious. I'm sure he'll be ticked off we didn't do anything useful but... can't help that."

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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2019 3:36:23 GMT
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the girl's face split into a comically large and hopeful grin.

"yes! let's leave.

there was a look of relief upon her face as cait bobbed her head excitedly up and down at the prospect of bringing their mission to a blessedly non-climatic end. she'd even insistently tug stormy in the general direction of the exit the moment those words were spoken, her sharp-eyed gaze assessing her immediate surroundings constantly. 

'we lived. thank the gods for that.'

chansey alerting to nothing had caused the young woman's anxiety to spike; for she speculated that something had been there. and she'd much rather they leave before they somehow stumbled across that something. it was a mercy - and no small one -  that stormy hadn't been compelled to investigate.

"you'll get where you need to be," cait assured. "i won't deny that fernando is - well - he's amazing.

that man was on top of his game at the age of twenty-six. he had the region within the palm of his hand and enough influence to sway its respective inhabitants. despite stormy's apparent dislike for him, cait felt no small amount of admiration for the man. he had status - wealth - and looks to boot - so from her perspective, he had it all. 

"but that doesn't mean you can't be just as amazing," she continued. "we all have to start somewhere. don't we?

they were nearing the exit, with sceptile still trailing behind and ensuring nothing could possibly sneak up on the pair.

"i've never been so excited to see a door in all my life."

such words were spoken as cait reached the door - and as there were several undeniable signs of strange movement that happened all around them, the young woman refused to loosen her grip upon stormy as she made her way outside and watched on in approval as her sceptile shoved the door shut.

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